About a month ago, Dave and I traveled to North Carolina to present a one day workshop for students at Appalachian State University in Boone and a week long seminar once again at the North Carolina Center for the Advancement of Teaching (NCCAT), in Cullowhee. As usual, we had a good time turning people onto the ways of the visual journal. It was a powerful week.
Here Dave presents to students at ASU.
We had the pleasure of meeting and talking with Gwen Diehn, author of The Decorated Page and The Decorated Journal. She presented a session on making your own paint to the participants at NCCAT. Below is Gwen giving her presentation. It was a great experience. Dave and I picked her brain about being an author, and got some great advice from her about a book that we are hoping to get published within the next year or so on visual journals.

Below are various pages from different NCCAT participants.

It was our third time presenting at NCCAT, and we are scheduled for a fourth time in December. We can't wait.
Here Dave presents to students at ASU.
We had the pleasure of meeting and talking with Gwen Diehn, author of The Decorated Page and The Decorated Journal. She presented a session on making your own paint to the participants at NCCAT. Below is Gwen giving her presentation. It was a great experience. Dave and I picked her brain about being an author, and got some great advice from her about a book that we are hoping to get published within the next year or so on visual journals.
Below are various pages from different NCCAT participants.