Online Workshops
Can't take a workshop in person? Looking for a creative kick in the pants?
My Online Workshops might be just what you've been looking for. There are two types of workshops available — live workshops and self-guided workshops.
Live workshops are typically scheduled for 1-4 class sessions, and we meet online through Zoom at set days and times, and each class is recorded and available for later viewing. Self-guided workshops are accessible after links and passwords are emailed to you, and the video tutorials are available 24/7. Click on the links below for more information and to register. Scroll down to see general online workshop info and policies.
Virtual Meet-Up, Second Saturdays, 12-2pm Eastern
Second Saturday, Each Month, 12-2pm Eastern
You’re invited to come hang out for a couple of hours and make art together with other creatives. We will meet live through Zoom, and it’s just a chance for folks to come together and spend some time making, creating, and sharing.
Cut and Glue: Cut Paper Collage, Sat May 3, 2025
Saturday, May 3, 2025, 10am-5pm, EDT
Explore the world of cut paper collage in this all-day workshop. Using just scissors, paper, and glue, we will explore the creative possibilities as we experiment with layering, colors, and ideas . Have fun exploring your creativity as you cut and glue all day long!
This is a pay-what-you-can workshop, and we will meet through Zoom the day of the workshop.
Gratitude: A Visual Journal Virtual Workshop
You’re invited to spend a few hours making, creating, and sharing from the comfort of your own home or studio. This will be a very informal gathering as I share a few ideas and techniques as we work in our journals. So set aside some time before the busy holiday season to join a community of other creative individuals for a low pressure experience as you reconnect to yourself, your journal, and your making.
This is now a self-paced course, so access the recorded video of the live class from November 2024.
Come and explore some simple compositional strategies that will help you make creative pieces that are more visually interesting and dynamic. We’ll explore color, focal point, the rule of thirds, and a few other compositional considerations as we delve into how to deliberately arrange elements in our work. Have some creative fun as you explore a variety of was to enhance your work and make it more visually striking.
This is now a self-paced course, so access the recorded video of the live class from December 2024.
Reflect: A New Year’s Virtual Art Retreat for 2025
You’re invited to spend a weekend making, creating, reflecting, and sharing from the comfort of your own home or studio. Explore words, images, and art materials as you reflect on your life, your art, and your ideas. Explore the things that are most important to you, and envision what the New Year can bring for you as we engage in structured exploration, independent inquiry, and quiet contemplation.
This is now a self-paced course, so access the recorded video of the live class from January 2025.
Drawing for Everyone
Come explore some simple, yet effective drawing techniques and see the many possibilities that drawing has to offer. Using some simple drawing materials, we’ll explore some simple observational drawing techniques that will have us looking more closely at the world around us, and we’ll be drawing from our imaginations and using some basic mark making techniques that will have us experimenting and playing with our materials. so, come have fun exploring what drawing and sketching can add to your artistic repertoire!
This is now a self-paced course, so access the recorded video of the live class from October 2024.
Collage Magic
Explore the world of cut paper collage in this all-day workshop and delve into a simple, yet effective process that will open you to a range of possibilities. Using just scissors, paper, and glue, we will explore the creative possibilities as we experiment with a variety of challenges and exercises designed to push you out of your comfort zone and into a stronger understanding of composition and visual communication. Have fun exploring your creativity as you cut and glue all day long!
This is now a self-paced course, so access the recorded video of the live class from September 2024.
Get to Work: A Creative Virtual Retreat 2024
Are you feeling stuck or stagnant? Do you want to go deeper with your creativity? Are you looking for some time to dedicate to your making and creating?
Explore the power of words, images, and art materials as you experiment and play, reflect and create, all from the comfort of your home or studio. Engage in structured exploration of ideas and processes, as well as, sell-directed times of inquiry and contemplation.
This two-day, online workshop, is all about moving your creative practice forward and developing your own unique line of inquiry, so we all may be using different materials and different approaches, but this workshop is designed to prompt you into new directions and to spark new ideas and ways of working.
This is now a self-paced course, so access the recorded video of the live class from March 2024.
Intention: A New Year’s Virtual Art Retreat for 2023
It’s easy to lose sight of what motivated you and your artmaking throughout the year, and the New Year is a perfect time to come back to yourself and your creativity as you set your intentions for the year to come.
You’re invited to spend a weekend making, creating, reflecting, and sharing from the comfort of your own home or studio. Explore words, images, and art materials as you look back at the year that was and set your intentions for the year to come. Envision what the New Year can bring for you, and engage in structured exploration, independent inquiry, and quiet contemplation as you dive deeply into your inner world.
This is now a self-paced course, so you will have access to the recorded video of the live class from January 2023.
Gratitude: A Visual Journal Virtual Workshop 2022
You’re invited to spend a few hours making, creating, and sharing from the comfort of your own home or studio. This will be a much more informal gathering as I share a few ideas and techniques as we work in our journals. So set aside some time before the busy holiday season to join a community of other creative individuals for a low pressure experience as you reconnect to yourself, your journal, and your making.
This is now a self-paced course, so access the recorded video of the live class from November 2022.
Soul Stories: Images that Speak
Take a deep dive into image making and discover the stories you’ve been longing to tell. Use a simple intuitive method of cutting and gluing magazine images to discover what speaks to you as you connect with the stories that are waiting to burst out. Spend the day immersed in the magic of the collage and tap into the stories of your soul.
This is now a self-paced course, so access the 2-part recorded videos of the live class from May 2022.
Beyond Blank Pages
Challenge your notions of what a book is and what it can be! Starting with a blank journal, sketchbook, or planner, engage in a wide range of activities to weave a visual and written narrative. Explore simple printmaking techniques, a variety of letterforms and lettering techniques, and the layering of materials, ideas, and themes. Colors, images, and words will flow among, across, and through your pages as you manipulate the structure of pages with pockets, pop-ups, tears, cutouts, widows, foldouts, and more to transforming blank pages into a unified artistic vision.
This is now a self-paced course, and all 23 videos and lessons have been released.
Re-Connect: A New Year’s Virtual Art Retreat
It’s easy to become disconnected from yourself, your creativity, and your artmaking throughout the year, and the New Year is a perfect time to rejuvenate yourself and your making.
You’re invited to spend a weekend making, creating, reflecting, and sharing from the comfort of your own home or studio. Explore words, images, and art materials as you open yourself to your inherent creativity and reconnect with yourself and the ideas that are important to you. Envision what the New Year can bring for you, engage in structured exploration, independent inquiry, and quiet contemplation as you dive into your inner world.
Join a community of other creative souls for this unique experience as you deepen your artistic practice, learn more about yourself, and look forward to what the future holds.
Access all four recorded videos from this 2-day retreat.
What’s the Big Idea?
It can be overwhelming as we sit down to create, and we can often feel like we have no idea what we’re doing. We might be uncertain about what we want to make and, more importantly, what we want to say.
In this workshop, we’ll explore how to make work that is purposeful, meaningful, and full of depth. We’ll dive into themes and big ideas and figure out how to set limitations, make crucial decisions, and create with intention. Use any materials, media, and techniques you wish, since this experience will give you time and structure as you engage in a variety of activities, exercises, and challenges designed to help you discover the messages that you want to express. Join in and push your art to a whole new level.
Access all four recorded videos from the live classes.
Mindful Mark Making in Mixed Media
Life can be pretty busy and chaotic. What if we channeled some of that energy into a mindful activity that can help us clear our minds, refocus our energy, and come back to our center, all while we made and created?
In this all-day, mixed media workshop, we’ll do just that, as we focus on a variety of mark making activities using a range of materials that will bring us back to the present moment and allow us to create richly layered pieces of art. Join in for a day of creative mindfulness and reenergize your artmaking.
Access the 2-part recorded videos of the live class from November 2021.
Small Books, Mini-Journals, and Zines
Come and explore making and creating small books and zines, and experience a different take on visual journaling.
Small spaces are intimate and offer unique creative opportunities for journaling, reflecting, and making, so join in as we make our own small books and zines and explore the creative possibilities that each format offers. After making our mini-journals and zines, we will work to fill them as we delve into themes, techniques, materials, and much more.
Access all six recorded videos from the live class.
Authentic Making in the Art Room
This six-week, hands-on class is designed specifically for art educators at all levels interested in exploring choice-based art education!
It can be a daunting task to open our teaching practice to a more student directed approach as we envision utter chaos and a total free-for-all. But with a few tweaks, we can transform favorite projects and develop new ones that offer students more choice and more voice. Whether you want to dive head first into choice or you want to slowly transition, this class will allow you to be the student and experience the benefits of authentic making, and it will give you valuable ideas and resources on your journey to choice!
Access all six recorded videos from the live classes.
Play: Intuitive Mixed Media
This is now a self-paced workshop, and links to recorded videos will be emailed after purchase.
Feeling stuck? Need a creative release? Come out and play with your art materials, and learn how intuition and risk taking can unlock ideas and direction. We’ll face our inhibitions as we work small and engage in a number of techniques and strategies to trust our gut and make with reckless abandon. Meaning is in the making, so join in to make, make, make, and see where it will take you.
This full-day online workshop is designed to challenge us in a variety of ways as we explore our intuitive senses as a way to push us in new directions.
Access the 2-part recorded videos of live class, and learn all about image transfers.
Creative Renewal: A New Year’s Virtual Retreat
This is now a self-paced workshop, and links to recorded videos will be emailed after purchase.
As the old year ends and a new one dawns, perhaps you are in need of some authentic reflection and creative nourishment for your spirit. Whether you’re new to the process and practice of visual journals or you’re a seasoned practitioner, this weekend, online retreat feeds your soul in deep and connected ways.
Explore the power of words, images, and art materials as you look back at the year that was and set your intentions for the year to come. Embrace the deep knowing that comes from creating and reflecting, all from the comfort of your home creative space, as you engage in structured exploration of materials, ideas, and processes, as well as, sell-directed times of inquiry and contemplation.
Access all four recorded videos from the live two-day class.
Artful Layers: A Mixed Media Workshop
This is now a self-paced workshop, and links to recorded videos will be emailed after purchase.
Immerse yourself in the art of mixed media layering, and delve deeply into a wide range of techniques for creating artful layers in your work. The focus of this workshop is on exploring the possibilities of layering materials, ideas, and images and incorporating personal themes, ideas, and images. Explore how to build up color and texture using transparent media like watercolors and water-soluble pencil. Experiment with collage, image transfers, and personal text to develop themes. Learn to embellish and enhance elements to draw out focus and detail, and walk away with a variety of richly layered work.
Access all four recorded videos from the live classes.
Sustaining the Magic: The Visual Journal
This is now a self-paced workshop, and links to recorded videos will be emailed after purchase.
The visual journal is a place where true magic can develop, but we often need a bit of help and guidance so that we can maintain our work in the journal. Join me as we continue to dive deeply into a the visual journal as a personal and artistic tool. We’ll explore new artmaking activities as we dig deep into the visual journal process.
This ongoing workshop focuses primarily on the process of using the visual journal and not so much on specific techniques. Though materials and techniques will be shared, the focus will be on the variety of approaches to the journal. Focus will be on going deeper with the journal and working in a very intentional way.
Access all four recorded videos from the live classes.
Transitional Spaces: The Visual Journal
This is now a self-paced workshop, and links to recorded videos will be emailed after purchase.
Add a whole new dimension to your journaling game as you create transitional spaces and interactivity in your journal. We’ll take static and boring pages, and create dynamic connection as we add windows, doorways, cutouts, pockets, and more. We’ll consider and reconsider what pages can be and how they can interact and relate to one another as we make pages that open up, flip out, and unfold. We will tactfully employ tears and cuts to reshape pages, and we’ll fashion tunnels and passages that tie and link different pages together. Tune in and learn how easy it is to transform your journal and it’s pages!
Access all four recorded videos from the live classes.
Sustaining the Magic: The Visual Journal
This is now a self-paced workshop, and links to recorded videos will be emailed after purchase.
The visual journal is a place where true magic can develop, but we often need a bit of help and guidance so that we can maintain our work in the journal. Join me as we continue to dive deeply into a the visual journal as a personal and artistic tool. We’ll explore new artmaking activities as we dig deep into the visual journal process.
This ongoing workshop focuses primarily on the process of using the visual journal and not so much on specific techniques. Though materials and techniques will be shared, the focus will be on the variety of approaches to the journal. Focus will be on going deeper with the journal and working in a very intentional way.
Access all four recorded videos from the live classes.
Image Transfers
This is now a self-paced workshop, and links to recorded videos will be emailed after purchase.
Image transfers are a great way to use images in your mixed work or in your journal. Join in to learn a wide variety of techniques for transferring found images as well as images of your own. We’ll take look at a quick and easy technique using packing tape, but we’ll explore some more advanced techniques using acrylic medium and iron-on printer paper. Tune in and learn some great techniques to take your creating to a whole new level.
Access the 2-part recorded videos of live class from Sept 2020, and learn all about image transfers.
The Creative Boost
This is now a self-paced workshop, and links to recorded videos will be emailed after purchase.
Looking for fresh ideas for your art? Looking for some fun activities to help you get creative? Join me for a creative boost as we dive into all new exercises and activities to spark new ideas and directions for you and your art as we engage in some fun and enjoyable artmaking challenges. This is a perfect follow up to the Break Out Voice workshop, but it’s great for novices and anyone looking for some creative inspiration.
This four-week online workshop is designed to challenge us in a variety of ways as we explore different media and ideas. Each week we’ll focus on different materials, strategies, and challenges to push us in new directions.
Access all four recorded videos from the live classes.
Developing the Magic: The Visual Journal
This is now a self-paced workshop, and links to recorded videos will be emailed after purchase.
The visual journal is a place where true magic can develop, but we have to be intentional with our purpose and approach. Join me as we take a deep dive into a variety of strategies for using the visual journal as a personal and artistic tool. We’ll explore all new artmaking activities as we dig deep into the reasons that we keep and work in a visual journal.
This workshop focuses primarily on the purpose and the process of using the visual journal and not so much on specific techniques, and it is a perfect follow to the Practicing Magic Workshop But as a stand alone workshop, it is suitable for anyone wanting to know more about the visual journal.
Access four recorded videos of live classes from July and August 2020, and learn all about creating stencils and stamps.
Working with Water-Soluble Materials
This is now a self-paced workshop, and links to recorded videos will be emailed after purchase.
Grab your favorite watercolor pencils, watercolor crayons, or water-soluble graphite, and explore a variety of techniques and ideas for using these versatile materials. We’ll cover the basics, but we’ll also dive into building layers and creating form, texture, and depth. We’ll combine them with other materials like watercolor and colored pencil, and we’ll even explore writing and stenciling with them as well. If you’ve ever wanted to know more about these incredible supplies, now’s your chance!
Access four recorded videos of live classes from July 2020, and learn all about water-soluble materials.
Hand-Cut Stencils and Carved Stamps
This is now a self-paced workshop, and links to recorded videos will be emailed after purchase.
Stencils and stamps are a great addition to any artist’s toolbox, and you can run to any arts and craft store or order online and get a ready supply for your creating and making. But what if you could use your original ideas and your original art to create unique, one-of-a-kind stencils and stamps. Join in to learn some simple techniques for creating images and motifs for your work. It’s not as hard as you might think. Come explore the possibilities of creating your own unique and original stencils and stamps to be used again and again.
Access four recorded videos of live classes from July 2020, and learn all about creating stencils and stamps.
Practicing Magic: The Visual Journal
This is now a self-paced workshop, and links to recorded videos will be emailed after purchase.
The visual journal is a place where true magic can happen when you show up with intention, but it’s a magic that has to be worked at and practiced. Join me as we delve deeply into using the visual journal as a personal and artistic tool. We’ll use a mix of artmaking practices and writing exercises to uncover important themes and develop our personal stories as we work with the intention of digging deep and creating work with meaning and richness.
Access four recorded videos of live classes from July 2020, and learn a variety of strategies and challenges for your journaling practice.
Visual Journals for Art Educators
This is now a self-paced workshop, and links to recorded videos will be emailed after purchase.
Join Eric Scott, one half of the Journal Fodder Junkies, and delve into the visual journal. Explore materials and techniques as you engage with the potential the journal has for you and for your students. Learn tips, tricks, and strategies for using the journal for your own artmaking and as a vital and vibrant part of your art curriculum.
Access four recorded videos of live classes from Summer 2020, and learn all about different aspects of visual journals and how we can use them ourselves and with our students.
General Online Workshop Information and Policies
Workshop Format
Live Workshops are scheduled for specific days and times which are listed in the workshop descriptions. The class meets at the scheduled time through Zoom, which is an easy platform to use, and does not require you to have an account or to login. All class sessions are recorded and made available immediately. You will have 24/7 access to the videos for 60 days after the end of the class. You will receive an invitation to the Zoom class after registering. Please do not share this information with anyone.
Self-Guided Workshops are offered as instant digital downloads, and you have 24 hours to download the workshop PDF. The PDF will have embedded links to the tutorial videos which are hosted on Vimeo. The videos are all password protected, and you will find the password in the PDF. All workshops are self-guided, and you will have 24/7 access to the content. This allows you to work at your own pace and to revisit any of the lessons and techniques, and you don’t have to be in front of your computer at any set date or time. Please do not share the PDF or video links and passwords with anyone.
The workshops are designed for all experience levels - from beginners to advanced. Some workshops require some experience and will say so in the class description. Self-guided video tutorials and PDF workbooks are designed to be easy to follow and informative, but also to provide new techniques and ideas.
To register for any workshop and download the PDF for the self-guided workshop, click the Learn More button, and you will be taken to the shop where you can purchase the workshop. Payment is accepted by any major credit card, debit card, or Paypal. You will receive an automated receipt and a link that will be active for 24hrs. If you do not download the workshop PDF within 24hrs., you will need to contact me to resend the link.
Access is only granted to the person who is registered. I have put a lot of time, energy, and resources to provide these workshops. Please respect the integrity of the work, and do not share class invitations, downloads, or passwords with anyone. By purchasing the workshop you agree to not share or distribute the information and downloaded material with anyone else. Anyone found in violation of this policy will be barred from the workshop, and no refund will be granted.
All workbooks, instruction sheets, and print-outs are in PDF format, so please make certain to have the latest version of Adobe Acrobat Reader installed on your computer. Mac users can use Preview to view PDFs. Some files maybe compressed into .zip files, so use a free app like Stuffit Expander for Mac or PC or iOS is essential to open these compressed files.
Videos cannot be downloaded and are password protected. For live workshops, your password is the same password you receive for the class meetings, and for the self-guided workshops, you will receive the password in the downloaded workshop PDF. You have 24/7 access to all videos in the course, and you may watch them as often as you like.
You will need basic art and journaling materials such as watercolor paint, watercolor pencils, pens, markers, scissors and glue sticks. A more specific materials list will accompany each workshop. In most cases, brand and quality are not important, but with some materials and processes, particular brands are recommended and might be the only appropriate ones. I’ll make sure to let you know when something is necessary and when something can be substituted.
System Requirements
All content is accessible from all platforms and mobile devices. It is recommended that you have high-speed Internet access to join in the Zoom classes, to view the videos, and to quickly download materials.
If you would like to gift a registration to a friend or family member, please enter their contact information and email when you checkout. All emails and download links will be sent to the email provided.
Since the workshops are either live online or in a downloadable format, refunds will not be issued. Special circumstances will be considered, such as issues with downloading and accessing the workshop, and will taken on a case by case basis.
All artwork, images, PDFs, and videos are the copyright of Eric M. Scott. All materials available for download may be printed, but are for personal use only. They may not be shared or distributed by any means mechanical or electronic, and they may not be sold or reprinted for commercial use. Images and collage elements may be used in one of a kind, original work, where the used images have been modified, cut, added to, or in some way manipulated.
Digital elements such as photos, banners, and badges may be used for blogs, personal websites, and social media sites as long as they are for noncommercial purposes and proper credit is given.