JFJ Big Idea Challenge - Day 3: Memory
What are the moments in our lives that we want to remember? How can we preserve them?
Art and journaling are ideal ways to hold onto our memories, and we can document the people, places, and events in our lives in a variety of ways. We can use actual photos, we can write about a cherished moment, or we can draw the scene in front of us as a way to capture the moment.
Take a little time today to reflect on your memories, and respond in any way. You might want to document the things that are happening right now as a way to preserve these moments for the future. Or you might want to reflect on the past, and document your reactions to those memories now. Allow the idea of a memory or memories to guide you in your making.
If you share your endeavors make certain to use the hashtags #jfjbigideas or #jfj16.