First, I must rave about Uni-ball's new Vision Needle pens. I have been a long time fan of Uni-ball and carry around a black, blue, and red waterproof Uni-ball vision pen where ever I go. But I always wanted a greater selection of colors. Uni-ball has made their Vision pens in an array of colors, but I could never find waterproof versions. Now with their Vision Needle pens, there are eight waterproof colors. I am quite pleased with them, and I like them even better than the original Vision pens. It is definitely a case of pen lust.
Second, Dave and I leave tomorrow for Cincinnati to work with our editor to take photos for our book. We will be photographing the step-by-step processes. It will be a week of a lot of work, but we are definitely excited to meet with our editor Liz and the team at North Light. And thanks to a girl named Bean we have a lot to explore on our down time while we are in Cincinnati.
So, look for our book hitting bookstores in about a year.