Thank You's, Kitties, and Fundraising


Thank You!

Dear Friends,

First of all thank you to everyone who has purchased a copy of my new book, Get to Work: Practical Advice for Consistent Creativity. I greatly appreciate the support, and I hope that the book resonates with you.

If you’ve read and enjoyed the book, I’d like to ask for your help. Can you do two things for me to help this book reach as many people as possible?

  1. Share - Please recommend the book to friends, colleagues, and family who may benefit from the advice that I share in the pages. And please share on social media. Word of mouth and personal recommendations are so important, even in this highly digital age.

  2. Review - Please take a minute or two and drop a review on Amazon. Books with reviews get seen more than those without, and besides, I’d love to hear what you thought of the book.

Thanks again! I am so glad that this book exists in the world now, and you can pick up a copy here.

A New Project!

I always seem to have things going and projects in process, and while I was finishing up the book, I was struck with an idea for a new and different project. I have even hinted at it on social media. I’m referring to my recent cat paintings and collages, and I have some plans for them.

So here’s the story.

Back in July, I shared about a sweet little kitty named Gabriel on social media. Just to recap, my wife and I work with several rescues fostering cats and dogs, and little Gabriel was born in our house to a feral momma cat. Gabriel had some wonky back legs and had some issues where he needed to wear a diaper. I became an expert cat diaper changer! He was such a sweet and loving little cat, and we debated seriously about adopting him. In the end we decided that since we already had 4 special needs cats of our own, one more would just be too much.

So, we turned to the Chris Griffey Memorial Feline Foundation for help since they specialize in rescuing and helping kittens with advanced medical and/or nursing care needs. Gabriel went to Kim, one of the foundation’s main fosters, and Kim ended up adopting Gabriel and giving him such a loving home.

Unfortunately, Gabriel passed away unexpectedly, and I was just devastated when Kim shared the news (thinking of that sweet little kitty still brings tears to my eyes). It was then that I decided to do a fundraiser for the foundation in memory of little Gabriel, and for the past couple of months with everything else that’s been going on, I’ve been making little pieces of cat art in preparation. I finally feel like I have enough art to set up a sale with 100% of the proceeds going to the Chris Griffey Memorial Feline Foundation, and I hope to do more in the future.

The first fundraising sale will begin Tuesday, October 22nd, and I will be selling original art, art prints, and whatever else I can get done between now and then.

I’ll share more details when I can. So mark your calendars, and support a wonderful organization helping special kitties!

As always, thank you so much for all of the support!


P.S. Don’t forget about my upcoming online workshop as well. Drawing for Everyone is Saturday, October 19th, and I’d love to make art with you!