Permission and Initiative

Many people are drawn to the act of making. They want to paint a picture, sew a quilt, knit a scarf, write a novel, or throw a pot. This urge goes back to childhood, and as children we made without hesitation creating pictures, toys, stories, and songs. As adults, we are much more hesitant, and our fear holds us back. We may be afraid of not being able to do it at all, or we may be afraid that we can’t do it well. We may feel that we have no ideas or that we don’t know how to start. Unfortunately, many of us give into the doubts as we hem and haw, complain and moan about not being talented, not being good, or not being artists. These are only excuses - ways of saying that we are not allowing ourselves to make and create. So, many of us just sit idly by as if waiting for someone to tell us that it’s alright - it’s ok for us to create. And so, many of us just sit and wait and never make.

However, that urge can linger. We can feel the draw of the clay or the allure of the yarn, and it keeps pulling at us. Finally we can’t stand it any longer, and give in. We give ourselves permission to initiate something - to get started. For many of us, we look at what other people have made for inspiration. We think how great it would be to make what these other people are making. There’s a safety factor there. We see that it can be done and it has been done, so we might, just might, be able to do it, too.

Now don’t get me wrong, it’s great to be inspired by others and to want to learn from them, but we have to be careful because we can easily fall into a trap. When we look to the things that other people make, we can feel like we can only do it their way - that there is a right way and a wrong way. We get caught up in doing it exactly right - exactly like that person, and there’s the trap. Whether we follow step-by-step directions or we simply mimic the work, we give ourselves permission to copy someone else. Why? It’s safe, everything is figured out, and we don’t have to come face-to-face with our massive doubts. We started AND finished something. We made it, but we didn’t create it. We didn't come up with the idea. We didn’t develop the process or the sequence. We merely followed the recipe that someone figured out or copied their example.

If creativity is about coming up with something new that has value, how is copying someone - doing exactly what they do - creative? If we really want to step up our game - if we really want to initiate something that is uniquely our own, we need to give ourselves permission to do more than just copy other people. We need to be open to our doubts, our fears, our hopes, and our dreams.

To that end, we are the only ones who can give ourselves the initiative and permission to create.

We must give ourselves permission to:
be vulnerable
not know what we’re doing
not be perfect
express what we feel
open up

We must find the initiative to:
get off our lazy butts
break out the tools
make the effort
trust our own ideas
learn from others
not to merely copy
accept where we are
lean into our fear
make a mess

Mixed Media Fun

I've been working on more things. This time it's for a free download that I want to make available. Hopefully by the end of the week, I'll be finished and have it uploaded for people.

I layered a variety of watercolor techniques, along with some watercolor pencil and ink. I can't wait to share the finished project.

Works in Progress

As the new year begins, I am shifting my momentum so that I can connect more with people both face-to-face and online. To that end, I have been working on various ideas for potential projects for myself and for the Journal Fodder Junkies, and I have rededicated myself to helping others connect to their creativity. I have already begun putting a lot of energy into the shift, and I am hoping that I can sustain the energy throughout the year. I am excited to share a little peek into what I have planned.

One of my big goals for 2015 is to create a series of online workshops as a way to allow people who have been wishing to take our workshops but haven't been unable because of cost, location, or circumstance to share in the experience. The online workshops will be at a much reduced price than the face-to-face, but they will contain a lot more content.

Here’s my plan. By the end of the year I would like to have everything in place so that come January 1, 2016, the first official Journal Fodder Junkies online workshop can launch. I know that’s a year away, but there’s a lot to do. And I do have a day job, so if I get things done before then, I can launch earlier. I just don’t know how it will work out, so I'm giving myself a year to get it done. The workshop will be self guided, and the image above is a peek at what I have been working on. Participants will have 24/7 access to a series of videos, written instructions, and a whole lot of extras including discussions and forums allowing everyone to work at their own pace and share their progress and struggles.

The first step is to set up a platform that enables workshops. My first thought is to create a Ning site. A lot of people that I admire like Traci Bautista use Ning, but if anyone has taken an online workshop through another platform and has another suggestion, I am all ears.

If the first workshop is successful, the next step would be to add more workshops. I also envision a section that is open to everyone with free videos and downloads. Dave will join in when he can, and between the two of us, I hope to be able to offer a wide range of topics and techniques.

I know that there are a lot of online workshops out there for visual journals and mixed art, but I think that we can offer something a little bit different. Our goal is to keep it simple, and share ways to allow individuals to discover and enhance their creativity and tune into their own voices. I think that is what sets our books apart from many out there. We don’t dictate an end product, but we share a wealth of ideas, and individuals use these ideas as they see fit to make the art they want to make.

Along with online workshops, I’m hoping to put together more videos for YouTube, create a series of freebies and giveaways - downloads and other goodies, work on more book ideas - both solo ideas and ideas with Dave, and post more frequently sharing a variety of ideas, inspiration, and news.

And to give you a taste for what’s to come, I wanted to look to the past and share a tutorial that I made a while back. It’s all about how I made a two page spread about Change, and I offered this to people before. You might already have it, but I did make some minor tweaks. It’s more things like this that I want to put out into the world. So, please click the link and enjoy a free PDF download. The link should be a direct download to the file.

Please leave feedback in the comments letting me know what you think.

Connection and the New Year

The last few years have been a bit difficult for me, and I have felt very disconnected many times - disconnected from myself, disconnected from others, disconnected from my art, and disconnected from my job. As such, I haven't been happy with the direction of my life lately. I have felt stuck, tired, and frustrated. I have felt run down and closed off, but I am ready for a change - ready to reconnect - ready to step out and open myself again.

So, I am setting out to do just that in the New Year, and I have set a mission for the Journal Fodder Junkies. It’s not a new mission. Actually it’s the mission that we have been on since we began offering workshops all those years ago. I have just finally given it voice.

The mission of the Journal Fodder Junkies is to help others connect with their creativity and find their authentic artistic voices. It’s a simple mission, but I have lost sight of it over the years. I want to bring it to the forefront of everything that I do. It was the reason that I started this blog more than seven years ago. It’s why we wrote our two books, and it’s why we continue to offer presentations, seminars, and workshops.

But over the last few years, I know that I have lost sight of that simple mission, and have allowed myself to be dragged down a bit. Recently, my focus has been on figuring out a way to to make enough money doing what I love to do so that I could step away from my job as a public school art teacher. I love teaching workshops, sharing my art and process, and connecting to people through my artistic journey, but I have been diverting my energy away from my true goal of connecting with others to trying to get a sustainable business going. Everything has suffered. I have been focused so much on making a living that I have forgotten to make a life.

With the New Year looming, it seems like a perfect time to set my intentions back on track, and forget about the monetary and business elements. I want to focus again on sharing and connecting. So, in that vein I wanted to share something that I made several years ago, and some people may already have this. I want to share a piece of my art that I made four years ago that went along with my rules for making art. You can read my original post of Eric’s Rules here. Soon, I’ll have to share my updated rules.

Please feel free to download the image above. Print it if you like, and hang it up. Or maybe glue it into your journal, and please share it with others.

Thanks so much, and Happy New Year!

Home: The Process

For a little over a year, I have been working on my Home series. It began with a painting that I created by projecting maps of the various places I have lived and called home. I then proceeded to create another painting using all the places that my wife has lived and called home. Other paintings in the series have sprung from layering different combinations of these two painting. For my latest paintings, I wanted to work on a bit of a larger scale and to take the work a step further. Instead of working on paper or canvas, I decided to work on two 22"x30" panels that I had made over the summer using wood and masonite. I originally intended on mounting some works on paper onto these, but I changed my mind and decided to gesso them. Once the gesso dried, I used Golden High Flow Acrylic and painted the pieces with a light blue. Up until now, I have left the background white, but I wanted to try working on a slick, acrylic surface other than white.

Once the light blue was dry, I projected a variety of locations onto the panels. I used several clamps to clamp the pieces to the table and to one another. For the locations, I used the places that my parents and my in-laws have called home, and I traced all the roads and highways in pencil. The image above shows a portion of Washington, PA where my parents lived when they were first married.

I'm in the process of creating the initial web using a pink I mixed up using the Golden High Flow Acrylics. I love using this paint in Montana Paint Markers because it gives me such better control of the paint. It's a slow process of converting the pencil lines into the web, but I have one panel almost finished.

It'll take some time to complete the pink with all the tightly knit lines and spaces. I do like how the accumulation of marks from the various roads build up into an organic structure. But this is just the first layer. Next, I'll project more locations, or I'll project portions of other Home paintings to create at least three different layers of webs. I can't wait to see how this diptych turns out. For more information how this series came about, see this post from November.

Art Exhibit at Old Ox Brewery

Home 7, 12"x12", Acrylic on Canvas
Today, I hung artwork up at Old Ox Brewery in Ashburn, VA for an exhibit set up by the Loudoun Arts Council. I claimed a small wall in the brewery to showcase nine pieces including three pieces from my Home series. I finished up Home 7 (above) just yesterday, and I'm very happy with it and with the display in general.

My work is hanging along side the work of three other Loudoun artists - Jill Evans-Kavaldjian, Karen Hutchison, and Karen Watson. The work will be hanging for the next four months, so there is plenty of time to stop in, view some art, and have a pint. Old Ox Brewery is open Thursdays - Sundays, and is located at 44652 Guilford Road, Unit 114, Ashburn, VA 20147. Stop on by.

21 Secrets: Spring 2015

It is my pleasure to announce that David and I will be participating in 21 SECRETS in the Spring of 2015, and we will be offering a workshop called Rethinking the Page: Creating Interaction and Connection Within Your Journal. Pre-orders are being accepted right now.

Not familiar with 21 Secrets?

21 SECRETS is a jumbo online workshop - it's actually 21 workshops rolled into one. So, we will be joining 20 other talented journal artists to bring you a wide range of journal techniques and a variety of inspiration! How awesome is that?

Our Workshop:
Rethinking the Page: Creating Interaction and Connection Within Your Journal

The Journal Fodder Junkies guide you through an open process that will transform your mundane journal pages into surprising, interacting, and secret filled spaces. Using an arsenal of prompts, techniques, and ideas, David and Eric take you on a journey that will have you delving and discovering, painting and writing, cutting and ripping as you transform the static surface of your pages into dynamic places filled with cut outs, fold outs, flaps, pockets, hidden spaces and secret passages. This workshop focuses on the use of prompts to guide you through a creative process that will have you engaging and transforming your pages in a whole new way.

On April 1, 2015, the 21 SECRETS ebook will be released, but pre-orders are being taken now, and you can even save if you act fast. Order now, and you will receive the following in the spring:

A downloadable 150+ page eBook that contains 21 art journaling workshops packed with videos, full color photos, printouts and instructional content.

Unlimited access to all the workshops at once! You pick and choose which ones you do when and go at your own pace!  There is no time limit--these workshops are yours to keep!

Membership to the private 21 SECRETS Facebook community where you can share your art work, be inspired by others, and receive warm, supportive feedback from your peers.  In the 21 SECRETS community we celebrate everyone's unique expression while supporting each creative spirit to become more confidant as an artist.

The opportunity to learn a variety of art journaling approaches, techniques, and processes that will energize your creativity and touch your Soul while in the comfort of your own home or studio!

To find out more about the artists, their workshops, and general information about 21 Secrets, click here.

Note: The links that we provided are affiliate links, and we receive a small percentage for anyone registering through our links. If you want to register and support us, please consider clicking here, to take you to the 21 SECRETS website.

Closing Off and Opening Up to Our Creativity

We are all born with an endless capacity for creativity. So why then do so many people believe that they're not creative?

People hold several myths and misconceptions about creativity that keep them from seeing the truth. First they may believe that creativity is linked directly to intelligence, and many people don't feel that they are particularly intelligent. Second they may believe that creativity is confined to certain fields of work such as design, writing, visual and performing art, and they simply are not a “creative”. Third they may believe that creativity is only for special types of people, geniuses, like Einstein and da Vinci, and who can be an Einstein or a da Vinci? Finally, they may believe that creativity is something that either you have or you don’t, and as such, it is a “god-given” talent and there’s no point in trying if you’re not one of the ones endowed with creativity. So, many people go about their daily lives believing that they are not and will never be creative.

But they are completely wrong. Creativity is part of our original programming, and since we're lucky enough to be born into the human race, we are creative. Look at any child for proof. We see the curiosity, the imagination, the sense of wonder, and the freedom from doubt little kids have, and at one time we were all little kids. We all had that innate creativity. So what happened? In many ways we grow out of our creativity. We close ourselves off from it.

Much of life seems to be about closing ourselves off and closing ourselves up. It’s sad and unfortunate, but it happens so easily. As infants and toddlers, we see the world as an immensely large place with endless possibilities and so much for us to take in and learn. At such a young age, we soak up the experiences, and we get our hands into everything as a way to explore and learn about the world. We are simply open to life and living. We trust and love without fear, but we quickly begin closing off parts of the world as we grow and learn. We close up and shut down many of the possibilities available to us in our lives mostly because of fear and pain, and we lose our creative confidence. We learn right from wrong, good from bad, appropriate from inappropriate, acceptable from unacceptable. We get caught up with doing things the “right way” and with not being bad or wrong, and we shut the door on things that don't fit with what we're learning. We get set in our ways, and we close off and fit ourselves into boxes that, many times, are defined by the expectations of others. We have to act a certain way, be a certain person, or do a particular thing. Our lives get narrower and more rigid as we learn to conform, and we lose the flexibility of youth. We suppress our curiosity, our imagination, our sense of wonder, and that freedom from doubt. Our worlds get smaller and smaller as we try to fit in, play the part, and strive for acceptance, and we don't live up to our potential. We are closed in, and often, we feel that we are locked away from our creative impulses.

But every once in a while, we have fleeting feeling that we are suppose to be something more - something greater. In those instances, we long to break the confines and be different, but we feel the constraints from all those years of conditioning. We bury that creative or expressive urge with excuses, fear, and doubt, but it keeps coming back. Sometimes it becomes a nagging sense that we want to change - that we want to be free from that little box we’re confined to, but how can we break free? We are shut in, and we mistakenly think that we are locked in. But in fact, we are not - we’re not locked in. All we need to do is to start opening ourselves to the creative impulses. We need to nudge open the doors we have closed, and we need to peer behind our beliefs and our doubts. We need to open our minds and our hearts and lean into the fear and the pain. We may just discover our true selves.

Once we begin the opening process, we can push ourselves and break out of our normal thought patterns. We can stretch ourselves and begin to break from that narrowly defined space. All we have to do is just be open to the uncertainty, to the uneasiness, to the ambiguity, and to the fear. We have to suspend judgement and go back to that time when play, wonder, and surprise were such a part of our worlds. We may find that we begin to redefine who we are and how we are in the world. We may discover that we're more intelligent and creative than we originally thought. We just need to be open in order to gain back our creative confidence. We can begin to see the expanding possibilities and potential of our everyday lives.

We have to redefine what it means to fail, and we must learn to see that the only way to fail is to never try at all. It is fear and doubt that stops us and keeps us from ever trying. We fear judgement, failure, and insignificance. We fear rejection, discouragement, and loss. We doubt our ideas, our abilities, and our resolve. We doubt our inventiveness, our resourcefulness, and our courage. But we have so much to gain. We can grow, shine, inspire, express, open, and live, if we only have the courage to open ourselves a little bit. Slowly, we can open ourselves more and more allowing the creativity to flow stronger and stronger. Even the mightiest river begins as a trickle.

We are only limited by our reactions. We can react with tightness, control, and doubt, and allow our world to close down again restricting the flow and bottling up the creative energy. Or we can react with openness and acceptance, and become limitless and free. When we are open, we let go of ego, perfection, end results, and the final product. We embrace the creative process as a messy, but fulfilling, part of life.

But how do we go about opening ourselves to this creative potential?

Line of Inquiry: Home

It's been a very long time since I posted, but I wanted to share some of what I have been up to in my studio over the last six months.
Home 1: Self, 22"x30", acrylic on paper
In the past I have posted about the web imagery that has taken over my work, and I am still intrigued by it and with it. But it has changed and grown since I first began exploring it six years ago in my journal. I now consider them webs of connection, and the works of art are all about my connection to the people, places, and things around me. The web is a map of the invisible forces that bind everything together, and in my latest series, I have been using maps as a basis of my work. In Home 1 (above), I googled the addresses of 5 or 6 places that I have called home, and projected them onto the 22"x30" mixed media paper. I then traced the roads and highways with pencil to create the basis of the web, and then I used acrylic paint to create the web. In Home 2 (below), I did the same thing with my wife.

Home 2: Joanne, 22"x30", acrylic on paper
The next logical step was to combine the two home paintings creating a work that represents our marriage. I projected both paintings onto a new piece of paper and used purple acrylic paint. I used Golden High Flow Acrylic paint in Montana empty paint markers to apply the paint. This gave me much more control and finer detail. This resulted in a very dense web. I really like the organic, yet systematic feel of these paintings.

Home 3: Marriage, 22"x30", acrylic on paper
I next wanted to create work that had a sense on depth to it, so I began using parts of the three different pieces to create layers. By cropping sections of the original paintings, I came up with separate, individual sections that I then used for each layer. I did this for both Home 4 and Home 5. I really like the depth that this creates, and it allows me to play with endless possibilities.

Home 4, 11"x14", acrylic on paper

Home 5, 11"x14", acrylic on paper
In my latest paintings, I am once again projecting the images onto the canvas and tracing them to create richly layered pieces. I've changed up my color scheme, and I am really enjoying the pink/red/purple combo. I have switched exclusively to using the Montana markers as a means of applying the Golden High Flow Acrylic, and I find that it works extremely well on canvas.

Home 6, 12"x12", acrylic on canvas

I've done a lot of other web images using random lines and webs, but I feel using the maps really imbues this work with a deeper meaning. The fact that all of these paintings are linked together, makes it a such a cohesive body of work, and a strong line of inquiry.

I would love to do some commission pieces for people, as a way to visualize their connection to the places they have called home. If you're interested in setting up a commission, please contact me.