JFJ Big Idea Challenge - Day 6: Change

How do we handle change? How have we changed over time? How can we affect positive change?

Everything changes. It’s a fact of life. We grow older, and our physical appearance changes. The seasons change. What was once new becomes old. People change. Change is all around us, so how do we respond to it.

Use the notion of change as the starting point for the art today, and see where it takes you. You might think about the idea of change in a broader, more philosophical way, or you might want to explore how you have changed.

Keep those posts on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, and personal blogs coming, and use the hashtags #jfjbigideas or #jfj16 so that you can share with others.

JFJ Big Idea Challenge - Day 5: Time

Where does the time go? Why does there never seem to be enough time?

The older we get the quicker time seems to go, and despite all of our modern conveniences we never seem to have enough time. Time is an ever present concept in our lives with our schedules, deadlines, and calendars, and life can speed by in a blink of an eye. How does time impact your life?

Spend some time today whether it’s 15 minutes or 3 hours, and reflect on the role that time has in your life. You might want to focus on the idea of time in general, or you might want to respond to a very specific and personal story about time.

However you respond, remember to use those hashtags #jfjbigideas or #jfj16 if you want to share so that others can see what you're doing.

Art Unraveled

Are you looking for some creative fun this summer? We will be in Phoenix in one month along with our good friend Sam Peck, teaching at Art Unraveled. Please join us for some artistic fun in the desert!

August 2-3, 2016 - Art Unraveled, Phoenix, AZ
  • Wednesday, August 3 - Life of Lines - 9:00 AM - 4:30 PM (Sam's Class)

JFJ Big Idea Challenge - Day 4: Solitude

How do we feel when we are alone? Do we seek solitude or do we seek the company of others?

For some solitude is a positive experience, something needed and desired at certain times. We might seek the quiet of the studio or the refreshing scenes of a mountain hike. For others it is a dreadful experience, filled with negativity and loneliness. We might feel lonely and forgotten, and we might want to always be surrounded by people and activity. How do you react to being alone? How do you feel about solitude?

Find time today to purposefully seek a little solitude and see how it sits with you. Respond in some creative way to the thoughts and the feelings that come up.

Remember those hashtags if your sharing on social media #jfjbigideas or #jfj16.

JFJ Big Idea Challenge - Day 3: Memory

What are the moments in our lives that we want to remember? How can we preserve them?

Art and journaling are ideal ways to hold onto our memories, and we can document the people, places, and events in our lives in a variety of ways. We can use actual photos, we can write about a cherished moment, or we can draw the scene in front of us as a way to capture the moment.

Take a little time today to reflect on your memories, and respond in any way. You might want to document the things that are happening right now as a way to preserve these moments for the future. Or you might want to reflect on the past, and document your reactions to those memories now. Allow the idea of a memory or memories to guide you in your making.

If you share your endeavors make certain to use the hashtags #jfjbigideas or #jfj16.

JFJ Big Idea Challenge - Day 2: Place

How do the places we inhabit affect us?

The places we live, work, and play have a profound influence on who we are and the things that we do. Throughout each day we move through and inhabit a lot of places and spaces from our homes to our workplaces, from the corner bar to the local gym. What impact do these places have on us?

Spend a little bit of time reflecting on how you are impacted by place. Focus on a specific place, or explore a variety of places. Perhaps respond to the place you are right now.

Make sure to use those hashtags if you're posting online or on social media! #jfjbigideas or #jfj16

JFJ Big Idea Challenge - Day 1: Identity

 Who am I?

This is one of the most basic questions that we ponder as we try to figure out our place in the world, and it is a question where the answer changes over time as we gain insight, knowledge, and experience. Who we are today is not who we were a year ago or who we will be in ten years, but maybe there is something about us that in some way transcends time.

Spend some time pondering identity and reflect on what makes us who we are. Draw, paint, write, or do whatever feels appropriate for you.

If you share your endeavors make certain to use the hashtags #jfjbigideas or #jfj16.

JFJ Big Idea Challenge

In June 2015, I was urged to create a daily challenge on the blog, and so the JFJ 15 for 30 Challenge came into being. For 30 days I asked participants to spend at least 15 minutes a day engaged in some specific art making task. I focused mainly on techniques and processes that could be easily done in 15 minutes, but which could be elaborated upon with more time.

I’m back just over a year later with a new challenge, The Journal Fodder Junkies Big Idea Challenge! Whether you have 15 minutes or three hours, each day’s challenge provides a starting point or a spark of an idea. There are no rules to this challenge other than allow the prompt to be a jumping off point for the work.

Here’s how it’s going to work. Each day throughout July, I will post a Big Idea along with some points of clarification and some points to ponder. For those of you who may not be familiar with Big Ideas, they are a notion that has come to a place of prominence in Art Education, and simply put, Big Ideas are the ideas that artists explore in their art. Big Ideas are large human issues or concerns that conjure a wide variety of thoughts, reactions, and possibilities. Big ideas are complex and ambiguous which gives artists room to develop individual lines of inquiry and to explore a wide range of possibilities.

Read the Big Idea and the points that go with it, and respond in any manner you see fit to that idea. Write, paint, collage, journal, draw, make a video, sculpt, or snap a photo. Remember that there is no right way to respond, so allow the Big Idea to guide the making and explore whatever possibilities arise. You might focus on a very personal and specific notion as you work, or you might explore the concept in more general terms. It’s up to you.

Like the 15 for 30 Challenge, this is not about having finished, glorious works of art or fully resolved journal pages. This challenge is about opening yourself up to an idea and seeing where it can take you. It’s about finding time each day to journal, to make art, to reflect, to create. It’s about opening to your creativity and giving yourself permission.

If you have a blog or if you're active on social media, you may want to post your responses for others to see what you have been up to. Use the hashtags #jfjbigideas or #jfj16.

But what if you get behind or miss a day or two? So what! Don’t worry about trying to catch up. Just do the challenges that you can, and don’t feel overwhelmed as if you have to do all of them. Besides, all of the challenges will be here on the blog for you catch up anytime you want or to explore in greater depth.

So, if you’re up for the challenge, it’ll all start tomorrow, July 1, so grab some art making materials and join in on the fun.

Happy Anniversary!

Thirteen years ago today, I married the love of my life. I can't believe that it has been that long because it certainly hasn't seemed like it.

I first met Joanne nearly fifteen years ago, and I was struck immediately by her smile. But over the years, I have been continually awed by her compassion, patience, understanding, and support. Joanne has the biggest heart, and if she could, she would rescue every sick, old, stray, and abandoned animal that she could. We have quite the menagerie now, and it is because of her that I have become a firm believer in rescuing and fostering animals. That love and compassion for animals also extends to her job as a licensed veterinary technician where she works with sick and injured animals. It's a stressful job with long, busy days, but she loves what she does. The animals are lucky to have her.

It's not just her love for animals that I love and admire, it's also the continued support that she has given me over the years. Without it, I wouldn't be able to do the things that I have done over the last 15 years - writing the books, traveling for workshops, making art. Joanne has supported me in so many ways, and she has been extremely patient and understanding with me over the years. Knowing that she is there by my side, makes moving into a new chapter of my life much easier, and I can't imagine doing it without her.

I am so glad that I took a chance to get to know her all of those years ago, and I am so glad that she took a chance to get to know me. I can't imagine life without her.

Happy Anniversary to my beautiful wife! I look forward to many, many more years to come.