Daily Challenge Example

I think that one misconception that people have about working in a visual journal or an art journal is the notion that each page is a separate piece of art that is started and completed before moving onto the next page. That approach might work for some, but it never worked for me.

For me the visual journal is an accumulation of small actions that build up over time, sometimes weeks or even months. As I've been working on the challenges, I've let them build up slowly one on top of another, so the pages have become the result of many challenges, not a response to single challenge. This leads to a richer journal where ideas and techniques mix and mingle allowing for new ideas to emerge.

In my latest video, I share how I have typically been using the challenges to add to pages that I've already started or to put the first inklings on a page. I share one of the challenges from a couple of weeks ago - Text Embellishment: Color. I use this idea a couple of different ways on a couple of different pages. As more things get added to these pages over the next couple of months, they'll become richer, more textured, and more developed.

To see how small actions like the Daily Challenge have created rich journal pages, check out the video where I share the big journal where I started the challenge back in January.

I hope that you enjoy this little peek into my process!


Layering The Journal Fodder Junkies Daily Challenge


When I began writing the ebook series for The Journal Fodder Junkies Daily Challenge, I had envisioned people printing out the pages in a way to create individual Challenge Cards. Since the ebooks are PDF files, it's pretty simple to print them out with four pages per sheet, and it's easy enough to cut them up to make individual cards. By printing on card stock and laminating them, the cards can last a long time. If you're not certain how to print four pages per sheet in Adobe Acrobat, check out the video at the end of the post.

In my latest video, I share the beginning of a two-page spread in one of my smaller journals using six randomly chosen challenges. I talk about creating the Challenge Cards, and using them in a random manor. Check out this how-to video to see how easy it is to layer the various ideas.


Not sure how to print the ebooks so that there are four pages per book? Check out the video below.


What is The Journal Fodder Junkies Daily Challenge?

I feel that some people might not know exactly what the new ebooks and the Journal Fridays are all about, so I made a video. Later in the week, I'll be sharing glimpses into my current journals where I've been working on the daily challenge, and I'm hoping to put together a few videos of how I use the challenges. I hope you find the video informative.


Journal Friday #31

I'm finally caught up and back on track with the daily challenges. Here is this week's challenges to round out eight months of daily challenges.

If you'd like to do your own daily challenge, Part 2 of the Journal Fodder Junkies Daily Challenge has just been released over in the Shop!


The Journal Fodder Junkies Daily Challenge Part 2 Releases This Friday.


The Journal Fodder Junkies Daily Challenge Part 2 is coming! It will be released this Friday, September 1 in the shop. This new part contains 30 new daily challenges to get you through September, and it contains three pages of journal page galleries. Each gallery page contains two two-page journal spreads. I can't wait to share it with you, but I'll have to wait until Friday.

365 Part 2 Sample Pages.jpg