Journal Friday #84: Planning, Plotting, and Scheming


As an Everything book, my visual journal isn’t just for making art. It’s for documenting life, exploring ideas, reflecting on whatever, and for planning and scheming. I use the journal as a tool for my art but also for my life in general, and it’s a perfect place to jot down ideas and plans and to work out details for projects and schemes.


For the past few days, I have been doing just that. As the end of the year quickly approaches, I am starting to chart the course for the upcoming year. I already have a couple of things scheduled for 2019, but since I am cutting back on in-person workshops, I need projects and plans for things to take their place. I’m also trying to reach new people and connect in new ways.


I’ve decided to focus on creating a variety of different content — from online workshops to themed blog posts, from a possible series of podcasts to a series of videos . All of that takes planning, and the journal is an ideal place for it. Sometimes, I find big empty pages and begin my thinking and writing, and sometimes, I find little spaces on pages I’ve already started. I like to employ a few different techniques as I plan, like mind mapping and making lists. Sometimes, I create elaborate outlines to work out specifics, and other times, I jot down vague notions.

Eventually, these ideas will get fleshed out more, and I’ll type up, edit, and embellish them on the computer, but for now, I enjoy writing things out and even doodling as I go. The physical act of the hand moving across the paper allows me to think differently than I can in front of an electronic screen, and I’m able to make connections and pull from different sources as ideas and directions develop.


The journal is where all of my ideas start, whether for works of art or for workshops and other projects. I can’t wait to bring some of these ideas to fruition, and I’ll definitely share the journey!

Happy Journal Friday!