
Find Your Style

This is just a little reminder that I am part of Find Your Style, a collaborative ebook put together by Kristal Norton. Along with eleven other artists, I share my creative journey to finding my style giving a little bit of practical advice as well.

I am honored to be a part of this collaboration, so please check it out!

For more information or to purchase your own copy, visit Kristal's website, and see how you can FIND YOUR STYLE!

Something in the Works

One thing that I have learned about being a full time artist over the past few weeks, is that about half of my time is spent on the computer working on things that are not directly related to actually making art. I've spent a lot of time working on workshop proposals, emailing people about workshops and displaying art, and creating a variety of resources. And that's what today has been all about - the computer, but I have made a lot of headway on a new resource that I hope to have uploaded to the JFJ Online Shop by next Monday.

I've spent a good portion of the last two days translating my art challenge from July, the Big Idea Challenge, into some ready to use resources for artists, teachers, and the general public. This is going to be similar to what I did with the 15 for 30 Challenge that's in the shop now. There will be a PDF, PowerPoint, and a couple of extras available for download all for just $5.00. So look for this new resource in the shop by Monday, Sept 19!

A Look Behind the Scenes of an Online Workshop

Almost a year ago, I began a journey of putting together my first online workshop, Cultivating Creativity. I gave myself a year knowing that it would be a lot of work, and with teaching full-time, providing seminars and workshops all over the place, and not to mention making my own art, I knew it would take me a while to get it all together. So, with just two and a half weeks until the workshop launches, I wanted to share a peek behind the scenes.

I began the journey in late December of last year, by plotting and scheming in my journal. I wrote, I made lists, I made mind maps, and I brainstormed. I decided to take a workshop that David I had designed for Art Unraveled, and use it as a basis for my first foray into the online workshop world. I expanded the content, added more techniques, and developed a sequence.

After the initial planning, I decided to dive into making some of the step-by-step written directions that would accompany videos. For some of the initial photoshoots, I even used my phone, but switched later to a tripod mounted digital SLR.

Once the photos were done, it was time to begin creating the PDFs of the written directions. I've decided on making step-by-step directions similar to what can be found in our books, but with a lot of new and different ideas. I also decided to include cheat sheets - a "techniques at a glance" kind of thing.

And then came the filming. Using a Flip Video camera that I got several years ago that I mount on a homemade arm attached to my tripod, I film each technique. I work in silence with the plan to add a voiceover later, but you will hear the occasional airplane flying over or dog barking. Filming in my studio presents several problems. First, my studio is an uninsulated garage, and it gets stifling hot in the summer and freezing in the winter. Second, since there is no insulation, outside noises and sounds can filter through, so I always have to pick a time when the neighbors aren't mowing their yards, or our dogs aren't in the backyard barking their little furry heads off. Lastly, the garage is detached from the house with no running water or bathroom. But it's all working out well.

One of the final things is to edit the videos and do the voiceovers explaining each technique.

I wish that I could say that I'm finished with everything - that I have used the last 12 months effectively, but I can't. I still have a whole lot to do over the next two and a half weeks. I still have a few videos to film and about half of the instructions to make. But I am confident that I'll have it up and running come January 1. With a two week break from school starting this weekend, I have plenty of time to get the work done.

If you missed out on the Black Friday and Cyber Monday sales, you can still save on the regular price of the workshop. Check out the website for more information.

Cultivating Creativity: Black Friday Sale!

Have you started looking for that perfect gift for yourself or someone creative in your life? Well look no further. The Journal Fodder Junkies are launching their first online workshop January 1, and you can enjoy big savings for the holidays. This one-day sale will happen on Black Friday, November 27, from 8AM to Midnight EST. Plan ahead, so that you can save more than 25% off the regular price. See below for details.

Workshop Title: Cultivating Creativity: Working with Spontaneity and Wonder

Regular Price: $150          Sale Price: $110

Workshop Description: This straight forward workshop is for anyone looking to connect with their creativity, whether you’re a beginner looking for fun ways to begin your creative journey or an experienced maker looking for new direction. Everyone can benefit from inviting a bit of randomness and chaos into their art making as a way of opening up and sparking new ideas, and this self guided course is designed to do just that. It will have you loosening up and looking at the unpredictable and the messy with a sense of possibility and wonder as you begin to purposefully cultivate spontaneous acts in order to set aside your fears of making mistakes and to spark creative leaps in your art.

In this mixed media workshop, you will learn to embrace the surprises that arise from giving up a little control as you give yourself a chance to play and reconnect with your inner child. There are no prescribed outcomes or finished projects, giving you the room to discover and experiment without the fear of doing it wrong. Using a variety of basic materials, you will discover how unintentional marks and creative accidents can open you to the beauty of imperfections and break you out of your comfort zone. You will learn to use unconventional and unpredictable techniques, like dripping paint, dragging string, and bleeding marker, to jolt yourself into new artistic directions. These creative beginnings will have you embracing the messier and more chaotic side of life and art making.

What You Get for the Price:

  • 100+ minutes of HD video instruction that explore more than 40 techniques
  • 40+ pages of instruction with high resolution photographs and step-by-step instructions
  • 10+ pages of printable fodder and inspiration that include creative inspiration cards, collage sheets, and technique cheat sheets
  • Private forums and discussions to share with fellow classmates
Stay tuned for more information.

Journal Fodder Junkies Invade Arizona

Dave and I just returned from Arizona where we presented the keynote speech and a hands-on workshop to the Arizona Art Education Association at their annual conference. We had a great time, and enjoyed the hospitality of our hosts very much.

The AAEA conference was held at Camp Pinerock in Prescott, AZ, and we were treated to quite a range of temperatures and weather during our trip. We witnessed a beautiful and intense double rainbow on our derive to Prescott. The picture doesn't due it justice.

The temperature dropped dramatically as we gained elevation the closer we got to Prescott, and snow fell quite heavily at times our first evening. Who would have thought that we would experience our first snowfall of the season in Arizona? The snow did melt, and the temperatures did warm a bit as the sunshine returned for the remainder of the trip.

We enjoyed our time at camp mixing and mingling with Arizona's art educators for a few days. We had some great conversations, and we're glad to have spent time in such wonderful company.

Prescott was a cool and funky place with good shopping and good restaurants. We were able to get out and take in the sunshine one of our days in Arizona as we wandered around town. We thoroughly enjoyed our time in Prescott, and we would love to go back.

We want thank all of the teachers who joined us in Prescott, and we want to extend special thanks to Tracy Perry and all of the other AAEA board members for the invitation to present. We look forward to catching up with everyone in Chicago in March for the National Art Education Association's annual convention.

Cultivating Creativity: The First Official Online Workshop.

Life, as usual, has gotten extremely busy. The school year kicked off at the end of August, and the last two months have been a blur. Along with my full time teaching gig, there's been a webinar, a virtual art education conference, a guest speaker spot, an AP Studio Art workshop, work around the house, and of course making some art. And somewhere in all of that, I've been working on the JFJ's first official online workshop. We've done workshops for Strathmore Artist Papers and 21 SECRETS, and we've done webinars for a variety of folks. But this is our own thing hosted on our own online community.

I'm on track to launch the first workshop on January 1, 2016, but pre-registration will open November  27, 2015 with a special Black Friday sale. So if you're looking for the perfect gift to give yourself or someone you know, in one month you can buy our first online workshop at a great price.

So, it is my pleasure to share some information with you to tease what's in store!

Workshop Title: Cultivating Creativity: Working with Spontaneity and Wonder

Workshop Description:
This straight forward workshop is for anyone looking to connect with their creativity, whether you’re a beginner looking for fun ways to begin your creative journey or an experienced maker looking for new direction. Everyone can benefit from inviting a bit of randomness and chaos into their art making as a way of opening up and sparking new ideas, and this self guided course is designed to do just that. It will have you loosening up and looking at the unpredictable and the messy with a sense of possibility and wonder as you begin to purposefully cultivate spontaneous acts in order to set aside your fears of making mistakes and to spark creative leaps in your art. In this mixed media workshop, you will learn to embrace the surprises that arise from giving up a little control as you give yourself a chance to play and reconnect with your inner child. There are no prescribed outcomes or finished projects, giving you the room to discover and experiment without the fear of doing it wrong. Using a variety of basic materials, you will discover how unintentional marks and creative accidents can open you to the beauty of imperfections and break you out of your comfort zone. You will learn to use unconventional and unpredictable techniques, like dripping paint, dragging string, and bleeding marker, to jolt yourself into new artistic directions. These creative beginnings will have you embracing the messier and more chaotic side of life and art making.

This self-paced workshop is broken up into four parts with videos and written instructions so that you can spend as much time as you like immersing yourself in these experimental techniques.

Part 1: Playing with Paint
Part 2: The Unpredictable and the Accidental
Part 3: Randomness and Chance
Part 4: Where to from here?

The workshop will take place through the Journal Fodder Junkies Ning site, our online community. Membership to the community is free, and there are a lot of goodies on it now including a free workshop on basic watercolor and watercolor pencil techniques. So, if you haven't signed up, what are you waiting for?

I've got a lot of work to finish up for this workshop, but as I wrap up, I'll share more information.

NAEA CDs and Kits

I just finished updating the JFJ website, and I have included the CDs from our presentations at the NAEA Convention in our Shop. Available for purchase for $13.00 each (includes shipping and handling). So if you missed picking one up, go to the Shop, or click the Buy Now buttons below.

The Journey to Choice
This CD includes a wealth of information and images making it valuable to any art educator who wants to move away from cookie cutter projects and into more authentic means of artmaking for students.
The CD includes:
  • The PowerPoint and Notes from the presentation
  • Assessment information
  • Nearly 40 instructional menus including clay, paint, collage and more
  • 100 images of student work
  • Photos of Eric's classroom and center set-up
  • Several sample lesson plans
  • A free journal tutorial and a free print out of prints and cards
includes S&H

Visual Journals 101
This CD includes a wealth of information and images about the visual journal making it valuable to not just art educators, but to anyone interested in the visual journal. 
The CD includes:
  • The PowerPoint and Notes from the presentation
  • Assessment information
  • Assignments and Prompts
  • 100 images of Eric and David's journal pages
  • 100 images of student pages (high school)
  • Resources and How-tos
  • Workshop Packet
  • A free journal tutorial and a free print out of prints and cards
includes S&H

I have also included two journal kits that we have used in recent workshops including our Pre-Convention Workshops for NAEA. For more information, go to the Shop.

Journal Kit 1 - $37.00, includes shipping and handling.

includes S&H

Journal Kit 2 - $32.00, includes shipping and handling

includes S&H

NAEA in New Orleans

We just got back from six days in New Orleans for the National Art Education Association's annual convention. Over 5000 art educators from around the world ascended on the Big Easy, and it was a truly amazing time.

We arrived on Tuesday, a couple of days before the official start of the convention, and enjoyed walking around and taking in the some of the sights. Of course, we stopped in at Cafe du Monde in the French Quarter for coffee and beignets. Well, Dave had the beignets since they're not vegan.

We kicked things off on Wednesday with two Pre-Convention Workshops on the Visual Journal, and we had about 30 participants in each session. We shared a variety of ideas for working in the journal, and there was just a positive buzz in the air.

The official start of the Convention was Wednesday, and it was awesome running into so many friends, like Melissa Ledo above, and colleagues. Dave said that it was like being at a family reunion except you like everyone. We also rocked two presentations that day. The first focused on my journey to teaching a choice based curriculum, and the room was packed (see the photo below). There was such a crazy amount of positive energy flowing in that space, and I was completely floored by the sheer number of people who came in. People were standing in the back and sitting on the floor. Unfortunately, I ran completely out of the CDs that I made with lots of information and resources about Choice Based, but I will be making them available for anyone who missed out. Stay tuned.

photo by Michelle Harrell
Later in the day on Wednesday we had a panel discussion on the visual journal and how it can be used in the classroom at any level - elementary through university. Our friends Sam Peck and Michael Bell joined us for the talk as we all shared what we did and how we engaged our students.

Dave and I did another packed presentation on Friday on the visual journals, and we think that we got a lot of educators excited about the journal for themselves and for their students. Again, we ran out of CDs for the session, so we will be making them available for purchase on our website and blog.

On Saturday, we got to meet and talk to a lot of wonderful people as we signed books at Chester Book Co. in the exhibitors hall. We are very grateful to Alan and Heather for giving us the opportunity to promote our books.

Dave and Sam also got to share about their collaborative journal project tet[R]ad on Saturday, and they had a bunch of excited people flocking to hall in order to be a part of the project. And finally, Dave presented with a colleague from Australia, Lexi Cutcher, about their international collaboration they organized for themselves and their university students.

It was a crazy busy convention, but well worth it. The energy of the location, the people, the conversations was all extremely positive and motivating. It is a true indicator that we are moving in the right direction. Thank you to everyone who came out to one of our workshops or presentations, who stopped by Chester Book Co. to buy a book, and who stopped and chatted. We are grateful for the support.

Though the convention was fantastic and it was wonderful being surrounded by so many dedicated art educators, it was good to get back home to my wonderful wife and my snuggly animals. I am always appreciative of my wife's support that allows me the opportunity to travel and share, and I am always in awe of the comfort and love my animals bring. It's always nice to travel, but it's always nicer to get back home.

The JFJ Gear Up for NAEA

We're gearing up for the National Art Education Association's annual convention in New Orleans next week. We're excited to be presenting something each day, so make certain to check out one of our sessions if you're an art educator and will be attending.

We fly in on Tuesday so we can kick the Convention off with two Pre-Convention Workshops on Wednesday, and we present at least one thing each day. And there might be a book signing in there as well. We're also going to have artwork, books, stickers, and CDs for sale!

It's going to be a busy four days, but we are excited!

Here's what's going on, so mark your calendar:

Wednesday, March 25 - Pre-Convention Hands-on Workshop - Hilton Hotel/Elmwood/3rd Floor
9:00 AM - 12:00 PM - Initiating a Successful Visual Journal Practice

1:00 PM - 4:00 PM - Visual Journals: Developing Rich Layers of Meaning

Thursday, March 26 - Presentation - Convention Center Room 223
12:00 PM - 12:50 PM - The Journey to Choice and Authentic Artmaking in the Art Room

Thursday, March 26 - Panel Presentation - Convention Center Room 222
4:00 PM - 4:50 PM - The Visual Journal: Hinge Pin to a Successful Art Curriculum with Michael Bell and Samuel Peck

Friday, March 27 - Presentation - Convention Center Room 206
11:00 AM - 11:50 AM - Visual Journals 101: A Crash Course

Saturday, March 28 - Presentation - Convention Center Room 222
2:00 PM - 2:25 - Building a Creative Community Through Arts-Based Collaborations with Samuel Peck

Saturday, March 28 - Presentation - Convention Center Room 217
5:30 PM - 5:55 PM - International Collaborations: Preparing Visual Arts Teachers Through Shared Art Making with Lexi Cutcher

We can't wait to rock New Orleans!