Workshops, Summer Camps and Art Retreats

Spring and summer are shaping up to be rather busy for us with quite a few opportunities popping up. You will find descriptions and links listed below of what's in store as of now.

Saturday, April 28, 2012
This Saturday, Dave and I will be part of the Maryland Art Education Association's Professional Development Workshop at the Howard County Center for the Arts in Ellicott City, MD.

Monday, June 18 - Friday, June 22
I'll be teaching a week-long visual journal class at the Round Hill Arts Center in Round Hill, VA for upper middle and high school students.

The Visual Journal: This mixed-media class will focus on the use and creation of a visual journal. Part sketchbook, doodle pad, notebook, and diary, the visual journal provides students with a place to explore the art making process, to explore their creativity, and to document their lives. Various techniques will be employed to transform the notion of a sketchbook into a mixed-media “catch-all” for thoughts, notes, sketches, and experiments. With “Journal Junkies” Author and artist Eric Scott. Ages 12-18, Maximum Enrollment 12, June 18-22, 1pm – 4pm, $180 plus $10 for materials.
Monday, July 2 - Friday, July 6
Dave and I will be teaching a week-long visual journal class at the Blue Ridge Arts Council in Front Royal, VA. This class is geared toward area high school students, and I'll share more details when they are posted.

Tuesday, July 31 - Sunday, August 5
Dave and I will be heading back to Phoenix for another Art Unraveled where we will be teaching two day-long workshops. We really enjoyed our time last year, and we are looking forward to going back this year.
Wednesday, August 1
We have all have our stories. As we deal with our present, we are consistently rewriting our pasts, whether romanticizing or demonizing ourselves. Like it or not, we are defined by the events that have transpired during our lives. This is a process we all engage in to face our uncertain futures. We continually edit the scripts and dialogues running through our heads to reinforce the myths and the stories we construct to define and articulate our lives.
What is your story? What is your history? What are the mysteries of your life? What are the stories that you have told yourself over and over to the point that you believe them and accept them?
This mixed-media workshop focuses on the personal and private use of the visual journal as a powerful tool for self-reflection and self-discovery. Learn to mix a variety of art techniques and media with personal ephemera and reflective writing to explore the stories that you tell about yourself and investigate the mysteries of your life. Bring images, memorabilia, and other ephemera that will help tell the story of YOU. Rose tinted glasses optional.

Thursday, August 2
Transitional Spaces
Are you looking to transform your artwork or your visual journal from a static surface to a dynamic, interactive space? Are you looking for ways to create richly layered spaces within and between your pieces? This mixed-media workshop delves into creating this layered and nuanced interaction within and between works whether they are pages in a journal or stand alone pieces.

Discover ways to give your artistic endeavors an extra kick as you explore how to incorporate transitional spaces that bring surprise, interactivity, connection, and hybridity to your art. Learn about windows, doorways, pockets, secret passages, and more as you consider and reconsider how spaces and pages interact and create a dialogue. Make artwork that opens up, flips out, and unfolds into other realms.

Saturday, August 4
Shopping Extravaganza
We will be participating in the Shopping Extravaganza and will be selling artwork, prints, and copies of our books. We're hopping our new book will be out by that time.
We already have some plans underway for the fall, and I'll share those as they become firmed up. In the meantime, we hope to see you at one of these exciting events. If you don't see something that will work for you, we are always willing to come do a workshop in your area for you or your organization. Please contact us for details.

Challenge #39: Stillness and Motion

What is it like to slow down and embrace stillness?

In our high pace world, we are always in motion with so much to do. Errands pile up and the to-do list just gets longer. It seems that everyone else’s priority have become our own. Emails, text messages, and phone calls come flying fast and furious begging for our immediate attention and our prompt reply. We distract and pull ourselves out of balance. But we need to stop moving and get still. We need to surround ourselves with silence, and listen to the quiet.

What is causing undo motion, effort, and stress in your life?  How can break yourself away from the life that begs for your constant attention and movement? How can you get still?

Challenge #38: Brain Dump

What thoughts, notions, and self-talk block your mind and keep you off balance?

In The Artist’s Way, Julia Cameron writes about morning pages where she encourages the reader to wake early and write three pages longhand every morning. She calls this writing a “brain dump” because it clears the brain of the miscellaneous rabble that prevents productivity. When you feel weighed down with thoughts and there’s a lot on your mind, unblock your creativity energy with a brain dump. Let the thoughts flow from your mind to the page. When your emotions seem to be too much, DUMP it all out. Let the anxieties, fears, misgivings, and worries flood the page. You don’t have to do it every morning, and you don’t have to write three pages, just whenever you need it.

What is worrying you and causing you anxiety? What thoughts are swirling and flying through your mind? How can you purge your mind?

Challenge #37: Breath

How can you come back to center?

Breath holds the essence of life, and without it, there is no life. It also holds the essence of concentration and balance. When focused on our breath, we attune ourselves to a natural rhythm of the body, calming and clearing our minds. Take a moment where you are to place your attention on your breathing. Sit in an upright and comfortable position. Close your eyes and allow your arms to rest at your side or in your lap. Slowly and deeply inhale, and slowly exhale. Continue this deep breathing, and focus your attention only on this rhythm. Allow your mind to clear and your body to relax. If your mind wonders, let go of the thought, and bring yourself back to your breath. Once you can no longer focus, rouse yourself, stretch if needed, and reflect on the experience.

How does your mind and your body feel? How does it feel to be in balance even for a moment? How do you fall out of balance physically, emotionally, and mentally?

NAEA and Some Other News

Dave and Sam waiting for the subway in NYC.
 March was a busy month for the Journal Fodder Junkies. We started off the month in New York City at the National Art Education Association's annual convention. We presented twice the first day of the conference, attended as many presentations as we could throughout the rest of the time, got to visit MoMA briefly, and had a book signing. It was definitely a packed four days.

A view from one of the conference hotels

Our presentations went well, but our first, which was first thing in the morning on the first day, was lightly attended. We figured people were still in line registering. There were over 7000 attendees. Our second presentation which was later in the day was packed with people sitting on the floor and lining the walls. I love when that happens. I just wish we could get booked into a bigger room the next time we present at NAEA, but the presentation went well. Good friend and fellow visual journalist, Brooke commented that we blew people's mind. That's always a good thing.

Our littlest fan.

On the third day of the conference, Chester Book Co. had a book signing for us, and we went pretty nonstop for about 4 hours though we were only scheduled to be there for 2. Fortunately in one respect and unfortunately in another, they ran out of copies of the book within the first 15 minutes. Despite bringing two cases of The Journal Junkies Workshop, they sold all but 6 copies by the time of the book signing, but Alan and Whitney were quite busy taking orders. Dave and I were busy signing slips of paper with idea that folks could glue the slips into the book once they got it. We got amazing feedback from so many different folks.

Book signing with Chester Book Co. Photo by Alan.
The rest of March was almost as crammed as the the beginning. I wrapped up another quarter at school. Dave had two interviews for tenure track positions at a university in Kentucky and one in West Virginia. We worked on the first review of the new book, Journal Fodder 365. I got accepted for the second year to the Western Loudoun Artists Studio Tour (more to come later), and I finished up a year at the Gateway Gallery.

Unfortunately, I decided to leave the gallery. I was selling work and making a little money, but not enough to really justify the 12+ hours I was spending there each month. The gallery is a great place, and I wish it and all of the artists well. I'm hoping to have more time now to pursue my art and a couple of other projects that have been brewing and stewing for a while. And the JFJ Challenge can resume.

I hope the rest of the spring will be a little less hectic, but I know better. With a workshop scheduled for later in the month and the Studio Tour in early June, it's going to be pretty busy.

Challenge #36: Personal Symbols

What are the symbols that signify your life?

Lines, shapes, and images that we use repeatedly hold significance for us even if we sometimes don’t know why. Perhaps there is something within these reoccurring marks that is symbolically speaking to us. Look back through your journal, and pay attention to the things that you return to time and again. Begin to identify your lines, your shapes, and your images.

If you have appropriated someone else’s symbols and images (the fairies, clocks, and angels) ask yourself, “Why?” What are you drawn to in them and why do you cling to them? What images, colors, lines, and shapes do you keep repeating? What do these forms say about you?

The JFJ in NYC

Image from the NAEA website,
Dave and I will be traveling to New York City next week for the National Art Education Association's annual convention. We're looking forward to the presentations, the museums, and the connections. If you're going, make certain to check out our presentations and our book signing. Hope to see you there.

Thursday, March 1, 9:00-9:50 AM
Sheraton, Conference Room K, Lower Level

100 Visual Journals for North Carolina
Discussion and sharing of a statewide collaborative visual journal project that provided a forum to connect the art educators, artists, creative activists and art advocates with legislators of North Carolina.

Thursday, March 1, 1:00-1:50 PM
Hilton, Holland Suite, 4th Floor

The Visual Journal as Paradigm Shifter: Pulling Together Traditional and Contemporary Pedagogical Practices
Discover how changing perspectives in art education transform the visual journal into a research tool for increasing student learning, innovation, and creative problem solving to prepare them for the future.

Saturday, March 3, 11:00 AM -1:00 PM
Exhibitors Hall, Booth 2207

Chester Book Co., Book Signing
Come join the Journal Fodder Junkies as we sign copies of their bestselling book, The Journal Junkies Workshop.

Challenge #35: Moods and Emotions

What metaphors about your experiences and emotions speak to you?

We have an innate sense to communicate and understand emotions visually, and our language is full of these visual allusions. To be sad is to be “blue,” and to be angry is to be “red hot”. If you are depressed, you are said to be in a deep hole or hitting bottom. If you’re excited and ecstatic you are said to be sky high or walking with your head in the clouds. Begin to make conscious connections between your emotions and visual representations. It is easy to get caught up in the clichés, so be original with your thoughts and your words. Steer clear of the old and tired sayings.

What moods or emotions define you? Are you exuberant and cheerful? Are you pessimistic and glum? What are your prevailing emotions? What colors and images resonate with you and say something about your personality and your feelings?

Challenge #34: Twilight Imagery

What are you focusing on and trying to bring into symbolic form?

Often it is difficult to find and select the symbols that most represent us and the changing conditions of our lives, but using a technique that allows you to tap into the symbolic nature of the unconscious is a place to start. Developed by Ira Progoff for his Intensive Journal Workshop, Twilight Imagery is a state between waking and sleeping that allows you to quiet your mind as your unconsciousness directs the imagery and symbology.

Sit in a quiet space, and close your eyes allowing yourself to slowly relax into the stillness. Focus on one aspect of yourself or your life. Perhaps it is a dream or a fear. Perhaps it is your job or your personality. Try to feel that aspect with your whole being, but don’t try to control or direct your thoughts. Allow the general sense of this concern to pervade you as dreamlike images and ideas begin to float and form. When an idea is formed enough to be identified, record what you “see” in your journal or on a piece of paper. Don’t elaborate. Get just the essentials. Close your eyes and return to that state, and keep recording your visions.

What emerges from your twilight imagery? What forms, scenarios, and emotions are stirred? How can you use these as symbolic forms for you and your life?